Sunday, May 8, 2011


Come see what we've been doing!
We can hardly believe it, but the last class is quickly approaching and that means it's almost time for the Muscota students' demonstration class. If plan to attend but have not received the information, please contact us.

In the meantime, the children are excitedly practicing their body-part dances and observational skills by having movement dialogs in pairs, and by working together in small groups to create short dances as a team. This past week we made explosion dances, in which the children used various types of jumps to create an explosive environment. It was fun to see how some groups chose to start with some rumbles and built to big jumps and leaps, while others started out with a bang!

If you'd like to review the five types of jumps with your child, they are:
JUMP (two feet to two feet)
LEAP (one foot to the other foot)
HOP (one foot to the same foot)
SISSONE (two feet to one foot; pronounced "sieze zohn," it is French for scissors)
ASSEMBLE (one foot to two feet' pronounced "ah-som-bley," it is French for assemble)
Students work together to create their own dance at the end of each class. The skills they are learning in this process (listening, cooperating, accepting others' ideas, offering their own ideas, etc.) go beyond the dance class.

 Parents, a reminder that there is NO CLASS on May 12th! We look forward to seeing you all on the 19th---have a great week!

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